United Nation of Flops

Our Mission


 We are the United Nation of Flops (UNF), a national Union of floptropican businesses, organizations and citizens. Our mission is to protect floptropica from Daboyz and support other flops. We work for President Deborah-Ali-Williams and the whole floptropican government. 

Our members collaborate from every floptropican state. No matter if youre in Jiafeia, Cupcakkia or other floptropican states, you will always have a contact point from the UNF, even in other countries and continents!

List of UNF Points worldwide:

  1. UNF Germany
  2. UNF Croatia
  3. UNF Luxembourg
  4. UNF France
  5. UNF Hungary
  6. UNF Sweden
  7. UNF United Kingdom
  8. UNF Ireland
  9. UNF South Africa
  10. UNF Korea (Floptropica 의 연합 Korea)
  11. UNF China (Floptropica 联盟 China)